An implementation of an HTTP 1.1 compliant Web server, as defined in RFC 2616.
Documents the HTTP server start options, some administrative functions and also specifies the Erlang Web server callback API
Type definitions that are used more than once in this module:
boolean() = true | false
string() = list of ASCII characters
path() = string() - representing a file or directory path.
ip_address() = {N1,N2,N3,N4} % IPv4
| {K1,K2,K3,K4,K5,K6,K7,K8} % IPv6
hostname() = string() - representing a host ex ""
property() = atom()
A web server can be configured to start when starting the inets
application or started dynamically in runtime by calling the
Inets application API inets:start(httpd, ServiceConfig)
, or
inets:start(httpd, ServiceConfig, How)
see inets(3) Below follows a
description of the available configuration options, also called
File properties
When the web server is started
at application start time the properties should be fetched from a
configuration file that could consist of a regular erlang property
list, e.i. [{Option, Value}]
where Option = property()
and Value = term()
, followed by a full stop, or for
backwards compatibility an Apache like configuration file. If the
web server is started dynamically at runtime you may still specify
a file but you could also just specify the complete property
{server_root, "/urs/local/www"} -> ServerRoot /usr/local/www
With a few exceptions, that are documented for each property that behaves differently, and the special case {directory, {path(), PropertyList}} and {security_directory, {Dir, PropertyList}} that are represented as:
<Directory Dir> <Properties handled as described above> </Directory>
The properties proplist_file and file are mutually exclusive.
Mandatory properties
Communication properties
. Note that any
is denoted *
in the apache like configuration file.
When using ssl, there are currently only one alternative.
specifically uses the Erlang based SSL.
defaults to essl
Defaults to ip_comm
Defaults to inet6fb4.
Note that this option is only used when the option
has the value ip_comm
Erlang Web server API modules
[mod_alias, mod_auth, mod_esi,
mod_actions, mod_cgi, mod_dir, mod_get, mod_head, mod_log,
Note that some mod-modules are dependent on
others, so the order can not be entirely arbitrary. See the
Inets Web server Modules in the
Users guide for more information.
Limit properties
Administrative properties
Where MimeType = string() and Extension = string(). Files delivered to the client are MIME typed according to RFC 1590. File suffixes are mapped to MIME types before file delivery. The mapping between file suffixes and MIME types can be specified as an Apache like file as well as directly in the property list. Such a file may look like:
# MIME type Extension text/html html htm text/plain asc txt
Defaults to [{"html","text/html"},{"htm","text/html"}]
Defines if access logs should be written according to the common
log format or to the extended common log format.
The common
format is one line that looks like this:
remotehost rfc931 authuser [date] "request" status bytes
remotehost Remote rfc931 The client's remote username (RFC 931). authuser The username with which the user authenticated himself. [date] Date and time of the request (RFC 1123). "request" The request line exactly as it came from the client (RFC 1945). status The HTTP status code returned to the client (RFC 1945). bytes The content-length of the document transferred.
The combined
format is on line that look like this:
remotehost rfc931 authuser [date] "request" status bytes "referer" "user_agent"
"referer" The url the client was on before requesting your url. (If it could not be determined a minus sign will be placed in this field) "user_agent" The software the client claims to be using. (If it could not be determined a minus sign will be placed in this field)
This affects the access logs written by mod_log and mod_disk_log.
Defaults to pretty. If the error log is meant to be read
directly by a human pretty
will be the best
option. pretty
has the format corresponding to:
io:format("[~s] ~s, reason: ~n ~p ~n~n", [Date, Msg, Reason]).
has the format corresponding to:
io:format("[~s] ~s, reason: ~w ~n", [Date, Msg, Reason]).
This affects the error logs written by mod_log and mod_disk_log.
ssl properties
URL aliasing properties - requires mod_alias
{alias, {"/image", "/ftp/pub/image"}
and an access to would refer to
the file /ftp/pub/image/foo.gif.{re_write, {"^/[~]([^/]+)(.*)$", "/home/\\1/public\\2"}
and an access to would refer to
the file /home/bob/public/foo.gif.
In an Apache like configuration file the Re is separated
from Replacement with one single space, and as expected
backslashes do not need to be backslash escaped so the
same example would become:
ReWrite ^/[~]([^/]+)(.*)$ /home/\1/public\2
Beware of trailing space in Replacement that will be used.
If you must have a space in Re use e.g the character encoding
see re(3).
{directory_index, ["index.hml", "welcome.html"]}
and access to would return or if index.html do not
CGI properties - requires mod_cgi
{script_alias, {"/cgi-bin/", "/web/cgi-bin/"}
and an access to would cause
the server to run the script /web/cgi-bin/foo.
{script_re_write, {"^/cgi-bin/(\\d+)/", "/web/\\1/cgi-bin/"}
and an access to would cause
the server to run the script /web/17/cgi-bin/foo.
{action, {"text/plain", "/cgi-bin/log_and_deliver_text"}
{script, {"PUT", "/cgi-bin/put"}
ESI properties - requires mod_esi
{erl_script_alias, {"/cgi-bin/example", [httpd_example]}
and a request to
would refer to httpd_example:yahoo/3 or, if that did not exist,
httpd_example:yahoo/2 and would
not be allowed to execute.
Log properties - requires mod_log
Disk Log properties - requires mod_disk_log
Authentication properties - requires mod_auth
{directory, {path(), [{property(), term()}]}}
Here follows the valid properties for directories
{allow_from, ["", "150.100.23"]
The host and all machines on the 150.100.23
subnet are allowed access.{deny_from, ["", "150.100.23"]
The host and all machines on the 150.100.23
subnet are not allowed access.server_root
. If using the
plain storage method, this file is a plain text file, where
each line contains a user name followed by a colon, followed
by the non-encrypted password. If user names are duplicated,
the behavior is undefined. For example:
If using the dets storage method, the user database is
maintained by dets and should not be edited by hand. Use the
API functions in mod_auth module to create / edit the user
database. This directive is ignored if using the mnesia
storage method. For security reasons, make sure that the
is stored outside the document tree of the Web
server. If it is placed in the directory which it protects,
clients will be able to download it.
. If you use the plain
storage method, the group file is a plain text file, where
each line contains a group name followed by a colon, followed
by the member user names separated by spaces. For example:
group1: bob joe ante
If using the dets storage method, the group database is
maintained by dets and should not be edited by hand. Use the
API for mod_auth module to create / edit the group database.
This directive is ignored if using the mnesia storage method.
For security reasons, make sure that the auth_group_file
stored outside the document tree of the Web server. If it is
placed in the directory which it protects, clients will be
able to download it.Htaccess authentication properties - requires mod_htaccess
Security properties - requires mod_security
{security_directory, {path(), [{property(), term()}]}
Here follows the valid properties for security directories
info(Pid) ->
info(Pid, Properties) -> [{Option, Value}]
Properties = [property()]
Option = property()
Value = term()
Fetches information about the HTTP server. When called with only the pid all properties are fetched, when called with a list of specific properties they are fetched. Available properties are the same as the servers start options.
Pid is the pid returned from inets:start/[2,3]. Can also be retrieved form inets:services/0, inets:services_info/0 see inets(3)
info(Address, Port) ->
info(Address, Port, Properties) -> [{Option, Value}]
Address = ip_address()
Port = integer()
Properties = [property()]
Option = property()
Value = term()
Fetches information about the HTTP server. When called with only the Address and Port all properties are fetched, when called with a list of specific properties they are fetched. Available properties are the same as the servers start options.
Address has to be the ip-address and can not be the hostname.
reload_config(Config, Mode) -> ok | {error, Reason}
Config = path() | [{Option, Value}]
Option = property()
Value = term()
Mode = non_disturbing | disturbing
Reloads the HTTP server configuration without restarting the server. Incoming requests will be answered with a temporary down message during the time the it takes to reload.
Available properties are the same as the servers start options, although the properties bind_address and port can not be changed.
If mode is disturbing, the server is blocked forcefully and all ongoing requests are terminated and the reload will start immediately. If mode is non-disturbing, no new connections are accepted, but the ongoing requests are allowed to complete before the reload is done.
ModData = #mod{} -record(mod, { data = [], socket_type = ip_comm, socket, config_db, method, absolute_uri, request_uri, http_version, request_line, parsed_header = [], entity_body, connection }).
To acess the record in your callback-module use
The fields of the mod
record has the following meaning:
is used to
propagate data between modules. Depicted
in function type declarations.
Indicates whether it is an ip socket or a ssl socket.
or ssl
depending on the socket_type
in function type
"GET" | "POST" | "HEAD" | "TRACE"
, that is the
HTTP method.
as defined
in RFC 1945, for example "/cgi-bin/"
version of the
request, that is "HTTP/0.9", "HTTP/1.0", or "HTTP/1.1".
defined in RFC 1945, for example "GET /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0"
contains all HTTP header fields from the
HTTP-request stored in a list as key-value tuples. See RFC 2616
for a listing of all header fields. For example the date field
would be stored as: {"date","Wed, 15 Oct 1997 14:35:17 GMT"}
RFC 2616 defines that HTTP is a case insensitive protocol and
the header fields may be in lower case or upper case. Httpd will
ensure that all header field names are in lower case.
as defined
in RFC 2616, for example data sent from a CGI-script using the
POST method.
true | false
If set to true the connection to the
client is a persistent connection and will not be closed when
Module:do(ModData)-> {proceed, OldData} | {proceed, NewData} | {break, NewData} | done
OldData = list()
NewData = [{response,{StatusCode,Body}}] | [{response,{response,Head,Body}}] | [{response,{already_sent,Statuscode,Size}]
StausCode = integer()
Body = io_list() | nobody | {Fun, Arg}
Head = [HeaderOption]
HeaderOption = {Option, Value} | {code, StatusCode}
Option = accept_ranges | allow | cache_control | content_MD5 | content_encoding | content_language | content_length | content_location | content_range | content_type | date | etag | expires | last_modified | location | pragma | retry_after | server | trailer | transfer_encoding
Value = string()
Fun = fun( Arg ) -> sent| close | Body
Arg = [term()]
When a valid request reaches httpd it calls do/1
each module defined by the Modules configuration
option. The function may generate data for other modules
or a response that can be sent back to the client.
The field data
in ModData is a list. This list will be
the list returned from the last call to
is the body of the http-response that will be
sent back to the client an appropriate header will be
appended to the message. StatusCode
will be the
status code of the response see RFC2616 for the appropriate
is a key value list of HTTP header fields. The
server will construct a HTTP header from this data. See RFC
2616 for the appropriate value for each header field. If the
client is a HTTP/1.0 client then the server will filter the
list so that only HTTP/1.0 header fields will be sent back
to the client.
If Body
is returned and equal to {Fun,Arg}
the Web server will try apply/2
on Fun
as argument and expect that the fun either
returns a list (Body)
that is a HTTP-repsonse or the
atom sent if the HTTP-response is sent back to the
client. If close is returned from the fun something has gone
wrong and the server will signal this to the client by
closing the connection.
Module:load(Line, AccIn)-> eof | ok | {ok, AccOut} | {ok, AccOut, {Option, Value}} | {ok, AccOut, [{Option, Value}]} | {error, Reason}
Line = string()
AccIn = [{Option, Value}]
AccOut = [{Option, Value}]
Option = property()
Value = term()
Reason = term()
Load is used to convert a line in a Apache like
configuration file to a {Option, Value}
tuple. Some
more complex configuration options such as directory
and security_directory
will create an
accumulator.This function does only need clauses for the
options implemented by this particular callback module.
Module:store({Option, Value}, Config)-> {ok, {Option, NewValue}} | {error, Reason}
Line = string()
Option = property()
Config = [{Option, Value}]
Value = term()
Reason = term()
This function is used to check the validity of the configuration options before saving them in the internal database. This function may also have a side effect e.i. setup necessary extra resources implied by the configuration option. It can also resolve possible dependencies among configuration options by changing the value of the option. This function does only need clauses for the options implemented by this particular callback module.
Module:remove(ConfigDB) -> ok | {error, Reason}
ConfigDB = ets_table()
Reason = term()
When httpd is shutdown it will try to execute
in each Erlang web server callback module. The
programmer may use this function to clean up resources
that may have been created in the store function.
parse_query(QueryString) -> [{Key,Value}]
QueryString = string()
Key = string()
Value = string()
parses incoming data to erl
scripts (See mod_esi(3)) as defined in the standard
URL format, that is '+' becomes 'space' and decoding of
hexadecimal characters (%xx