Functions for Manipulating Sets of Sets
The sofs
module implements operations on finite sets and
relations represented as sets. Intuitively, a set is a
collection of elements; every element belongs to the set, and
the set contains every element.
Given a set A and a sentence S(x), where x is a free variable, a new set B whose elements are exactly those elements of A for which S(x) holds can be formed, this is denoted B = {x in A : S(x)}. Sentences are expressed using the logical operators "for some" (or "there exists"), "for all", "and", "or", "not". If the existence of a set containing all the specified elements is known (as will always be the case in this module), we write B = {x : S(x)}.
The unordered set containing the elements a, b and c is denoted {a, b, c}. This notation is not to be confused with tuples. The ordered pair of a and b, with first coordinate a and second coordinate b, is denoted (a, b). An ordered pair is an ordered set of two elements. In this module ordered sets can contain one, two or more elements, and parentheses are used to enclose the elements. Unordered sets and ordered sets are orthogonal, again in this module; there is no unordered set equal to any ordered set.
The set that contains no elements is called the empty set. If two sets A and B contain the same elements, then A is equal to B, denoted A = B. Two ordered sets are equal if they contain the same number of elements and have equal elements at each coordinate. If a set A contains all elements that B contains, then B is a subset of A. The union of two sets A and B is the smallest set that contains all elements of A and all elements of B. The intersection of two sets A and B is the set that contains all elements of A that belong to B. Two sets are disjoint if their intersection is the empty set. The difference of two sets A and B is the set that contains all elements of A that do not belong to B. The symmetric difference of two sets is the set that contains those element that belong to either of the two sets, but not both. The union of a collection of sets is the smallest set that contains all the elements that belong to at least one set of the collection. The intersection of a non-empty collection of sets is the set that contains all elements that belong to every set of the collection.
The Cartesian product of two sets X and Y, denoted X × Y, is the set {a : a = (x, y) for some x in X and for some y in Y}. A relation is a subset of X × Y. Let R be a relation. The fact that (x, y) belongs to R is written as x R y. Since relations are sets, the definitions of the last paragraph (subset, union, and so on) apply to relations as well. The domain of R is the set {x : x R y for some y in Y}. The range of R is the set {y : x R y for some x in X}. The converse of R is the set {a : a = (y, x) for some (x, y) in R}. If A is a subset of X, then the image of A under R is the set {y : x R y for some x in A}, and if B is a subset of Y, then the inverse image of B is the set {x : x R y for some y in B}. If R is a relation from X to Y and S is a relation from Y to Z, then the relative product of R and S is the relation T from X to Z defined so that x T z if and only if there exists an element y in Y such that x R y and y S z. The restriction of R to A is the set S defined so that x S y if and only if there exists an element x in A such that x R y. If S is a restriction of R to A, then R is an extension of S to X. If X = Y then we call R a relation in X. The field of a relation R in X is the union of the domain of R and the range of R. If R is a relation in X, and if S is defined so that x S y if x R y and not x = y, then S is the strict relation corresponding to R, and vice versa, if S is a relation in X, and if R is defined so that x R y if x S y or x = y, then R is the weak relation corresponding to S. A relation R in X is reflexive if x R x for every element x of X; it is symmetric if x R y implies that y R x; and it is transitive if x R y and y R z imply that x R z.
A function F is a relation, a subset of X × Y, such that the domain of F is equal to X and such that for every x in X there is a unique element y in Y with (x, y) in F. The latter condition can be formulated as follows: if x F y and x F z then y = z. In this module, it will not be required that the domain of F be equal to X for a relation to be considered a function. Instead of writing (x, y) in F or x F y, we write F(x) = y when F is a function, and say that F maps x onto y, or that the value of F at x is y. Since functions are relations, the definitions of the last paragraph (domain, range, and so on) apply to functions as well. If the converse of a function F is a function F', then F' is called the inverse of F. The relative product of two functions F1 and F2 is called the composite of F1 and F2 if the range of F1 is a subset of the domain of F2.
Sometimes, when the range of a function is more important than the function itself, the function is called a family. The domain of a family is called the index set, and the range is called the indexed set. If x is a family from I to X, then x[i] denotes the value of the function at index i. The notation "a family in X" is used for such a family. When the indexed set is a set of subsets of a set X, then we call x a family of subsets of X. If x is a family of subsets of X, then the union of the range of x is called the union of the family x. If x is non-empty (the index set is non-empty), the intersection of the family x is the intersection of the range of x. In this module, the only families that will be considered are families of subsets of some set X; in the following the word "family" will be used for such families of subsets.
A partition of a set X is a collection S of non-empty subsets of X whose union is X and whose elements are pairwise disjoint. A relation in a set is an equivalence relation if it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. If R is an equivalence relation in X, and x is an element of X, the equivalence class of x with respect to R is the set of all those elements y of X for which x R y holds. The equivalence classes constitute a partitioning of X. Conversely, if C is a partition of X, then the relation that holds for any two elements of X if they belong to the same equivalence class, is an equivalence relation induced by the partition C. If R is an equivalence relation in X, then the canonical map is the function that maps every element of X onto its equivalence class.
Relations as defined above (as sets of ordered pairs) will from now on be referred to as binary relations. We call a set of ordered sets (x[1], ..., x[n]) an (n-ary) relation, and say that the relation is a subset of the Cartesian product X[1] × ... × X[n] where x[i] is an element of X[i], 1 <= i <= n. The projection of an n-ary relation R onto coordinate i is the set {x[i] : (x[1], ..., x[i], ..., x[n]) in R for some x[j] in X[j], 1 <= j <= n and not i = j}. The projections of a binary relation R onto the first and second coordinates are the domain and the range of R respectively. The relative product of binary relations can be generalized to n-ary relations as follows. Let TR be an ordered set (R[1], ..., R[n]) of binary relations from X to Y[i] and S a binary relation from (Y[1] × ... × Y[n]) to Z. The relative product of TR and S is the binary relation T from X to Z defined so that x T z if and only if there exists an element y[i] in Y[i] for each 1 <= i <= n such that x R[i] y[i] and (y[1], ..., y[n]) S z. Now let TR be a an ordered set (R[1], ..., R[n]) of binary relations from X[i] to Y[i] and S a subset of X[1] × ... × X[n]. The multiple relative product of TR and S is defined to be the set {z : z = ((x[1], ..., x[n]), (y[1],...,y[n])) for some (x[1], ..., x[n]) in S and for some (x[i], y[i]) in R[i], 1 <= i <= n}. The natural join of an n-ary relation R and an m-ary relation S on coordinate i and j is defined to be the set {z : z = (x[1], ..., x[n], y[1], ..., y[j-1], y[j+1], ..., y[m]) for some (x[1], ..., x[n]) in R and for some (y[1], ..., y[m]) in S such that x[i] = y[j]}.
The sets recognized by this module will be represented by elements of the relation Sets, defined as the smallest set such that:
- for every atom T except '_' and for every term X, (T, X) belongs to Sets (atomic sets);
- (['_'], []) belongs to Sets (the untyped empty set);
- for every tuple T = {T[1], ..., T[n]} and for every tuple X = {X[1], ..., X[n]}, if (T[i], X[i]) belongs to Sets for every 1 <= i <= n then (T, X) belongs to Sets (ordered sets);
- for every term T, if X is the empty list or a non-empty sorted list [X[1], ..., X[n]] without duplicates such that (T, X[i]) belongs to Sets for every 1 <= i <= n, then ([T], X) belongs to Sets (typed unordered sets).
An external set is an element of the range of Sets. A type is an element of the domain of Sets. If S is an element (T, X) of Sets, then T is a valid type of X, T is the type of S, and X is the external set of S. from_term/2 creates a set from a type and an Erlang term turned into an external set.
The actual sets represented by Sets are the elements of the range of the function Set from Sets to Erlang terms and sets of Erlang terms:
- Set(T,Term) = Term, where T is an atom;
- Set({T[1], ..., T[n]}, {X[1], ..., X[n]}) = (Set(T[1], X[1]), ..., Set(T[n], X[n]));
- Set([T], [X[1], ..., X[n]]) = {Set(T, X[1]), ..., Set(T, X[n])};
- Set([T], []) = {}.
When there is no risk of confusion, elements of Sets will be
identified with the sets they represent. For instance, if U is
the result of calling union/2
with S1 and S2 as
arguments, then U is said to be the union of S1 and S2. A more
precise formulation would be that Set(U) is the union of Set(S1)
and Set(S2).
The types are used to implement the various conditions that sets need to fulfill. As an example, consider the relative product of two sets R and S, and recall that the relative product of R and S is defined if R is a binary relation to Y and S is a binary relation from Y. The function that implements the relative product, relative_product/2, checks that the arguments represent binary relations by matching [{A,B}] against the type of the first argument (Arg1 say), and [{C,D}] against the type of the second argument (Arg2 say). The fact that [{A,B}] matches the type of Arg1 is to be interpreted as Arg1 representing a binary relation from X to Y, where X is defined as all sets Set(x) for some element x in Sets the type of which is A, and similarly for Y. In the same way Arg2 is interpreted as representing a binary relation from W to Z. Finally it is checked that B matches C, which is sufficient to ensure that W is equal to Y. The untyped empty set is handled separately: its type, ['_'], matches the type of any unordered set.
A few functions of this module (drestriction/3
, partition/2
, projection/2
, substitution/2
) accept an Erlang
function as a means to modify each element of a given unordered
set. Such a function, called
SetFun in the following, can be
specified as a functional object (fun), a tuple
{external, Fun}
, or an integer. If SetFun is
specified as a fun, the fun is applied to each element of the
given set and the return value is assumed to be a set. If SetFun
is specified as a tuple {external, Fun}
, Fun is applied
to the external set of each element of the given set and the
return value is assumed to be an external set. Selecting the
elements of an unordered set as external sets and assembling a
new unordered set from a list of external sets is in the present
implementation more efficient than modifying each element as a
set. However, this optimization can only be utilized when the
elements of the unordered set are atomic or ordered sets. It
must also be the case that the type of the elements matches some
clause of Fun (the type of the created set is the result of
applying Fun to the type of the given set), and that Fun does
nothing but selecting, duplicating or rearranging parts of the
elements. Specifying a SetFun as an integer I is equivalent to
specifying {external, fun(X) -> element(I, X) end}
but is to be preferred since it makes it possible to handle this
case even more efficiently. Examples of SetFuns:
{sofs, union} fun(S) -> sofs:partition(1, S) end {external, fun(A) -> A end} {external, fun({A,_,C}) -> {C,A} end} {external, fun({_,{_,C}}) -> C end} {external, fun({_,{_,{_,E}=C}}) -> {E,{E,C}} end} 2
The order in which a SetFun is applied to the elements of an unordered set is not specified, and may change in future versions of sofs.
The execution time of the functions of this module is dominated
by the time it takes to sort lists. When no sorting is needed,
the execution time is in the worst case proportional to the sum
of the sizes of the input arguments and the returned value. A
few functions execute in constant time: from_external
, is_set
, is_sofs_set
, type
The functions of this module exit the process with a
, bad_function
, or type_mismatch
message when given badly formed arguments or sets the types of
which are not compatible.
When comparing external sets the operator ==/2
is used.
Any kind of set (also included are the atomic sets).
An external set.
A family (of subsets).
A function.
An ordered set.
An n-ary relation.
An unordered set.
An unordered set of unordered sets.
A SetFun.
A type.
A tuple where the elements are of type T
a_function(Tuples) -> Function
a_function(Tuples, Type) -> Function
canonical_relation(SetOfSets) -> BinRel
Returns the binary relation containing the elements
(E, Set) such that Set belongs to
1>Ss = sofs:from_term([[a,b],[b,c]]),
CR = sofs:canonical_relation(Ss),
composite(Function1, Function2) -> Function3
Returns the composite of
the functions
1>F1 = sofs:a_function([{a,1},{b,2},{c,2}]),
F2 = sofs:a_function([{1,x},{2,y},{3,z}]),
F = sofs:composite(F1, F2),
constant_function(Set, AnySet) -> Function
Creates the function that maps each element of the set Set onto AnySet.
1>S = sofs:set([a,b]),
E = sofs:from_term(1),
R = sofs:constant_function(S, E),
converse(BinRel1) -> BinRel2
Returns the converse
of the binary relation
1>R1 = sofs:relation([{1,a},{2,b},{3,a}]),
R2 = sofs:converse(R1),
difference(Set1, Set2) -> Set3
Returns the difference of
the sets
digraph_to_family(Graph) -> Family
digraph_to_family(Graph, Type) -> Family
Creates a family from
the directed graph
If G is a directed graph, it holds that the vertices and
edges of G are the same as the vertices and edges of
domain(BinRel) -> Set
Returns the domain of
the binary relation
1>R = sofs:relation([{1,a},{1,b},{2,b},{2,c}]),
S = sofs:domain(R),
drestriction(BinRel1, Set) -> BinRel2
Returns the difference between the binary relation
1>R1 = sofs:relation([{1,a},{2,b},{3,c}]),
S = sofs:set([2,4,6]),
R2 = sofs:drestriction(R1, S),
drestriction(R, S)
is equivalent to
difference(R, restriction(R, S))
drestriction(SetFun, Set1, Set2) -> Set3
Returns a subset of
1>SetFun = {external, fun({_A,B,C}) -> {B,C} end},
R1 = sofs:relation([{a,aa,1},{b,bb,2},{c,cc,3}]),
R2 = sofs:relation([{bb,2},{cc,3},{dd,4}]),
R3 = sofs:drestriction(SetFun, R1, R2),
drestriction(F, S1, S2)
is equivalent to
difference(S1, restriction(F, S1, S2))
empty_set() -> Set
Returns the untyped empty
set. empty_set()
is equivalent to
from_term([], ['_'])
extension(BinRel1, Set, AnySet) -> BinRel2
Returns the extension of
1>S = sofs:set([b,c]),
A = sofs:empty_set(),
R = sofs:family([{a,[1,2]},{b,[3]}]),
X = sofs:extension(R, S, A),
family(Tuples) -> Family
family(Tuples, Type) -> Family
Creates a family of subsets.
family(F, T)
is equivalent to
from_term(F, T)
, if the result is a family. If
no type is explicitly
given, [{atom, [atom]}]
is used as type of the
family_difference(Family1, Family2) -> Family3
1>F1 = sofs:family([{a,[1,2]},{b,[3,4]}]),
F2 = sofs:family([{b,[4,5]},{c,[6,7]}]),
F3 = sofs:family_difference(F1, F2),
family_domain(Family1) -> Family2
1>FR = sofs:from_term([{a,[{1,a},{2,b},{3,c}]},{b,[]},{c,[{4,d},{5,e}]}]),
F = sofs:family_domain(FR),
family_field(Family1) -> Family2
1>FR = sofs:from_term([{a,[{1,a},{2,b},{3,c}]},{b,[]},{c,[{4,d},{5,e}]}]),
F = sofs:family_field(FR),
is equivalent to
family_union(family_domain(Family1), family_range(Family1))
family_intersection(Family1) -> Family2
If badarg
1>F1 = sofs:from_term([{a,[[1,2,3],[2,3,4]]},{b,[[x,y,z],[x,y]]}]),
F2 = sofs:family_intersection(F1),
family_intersection(Family1, Family2) -> Family3
1>F1 = sofs:family([{a,[1,2]},{b,[3,4]},{c,[5,6]}]),
F2 = sofs:family([{b,[4,5]},{c,[7,8]},{d,[9,10]}]),
F3 = sofs:family_intersection(F1, F2),
family_projection(SetFun, Family1) -> Family2
1>F1 = sofs:from_term([{a,[[1,2],[2,3]]},{b,[[]]}]),
F2 = sofs:family_projection({sofs, union}, F1),
family_range(Family1) -> Family2
1>FR = sofs:from_term([{a,[{1,a},{2,b},{3,c}]},{b,[]},{c,[{4,d},{5,e}]}]),
F = sofs:family_range(FR),
family_specification(Fun, Family1) -> Family2
If true
. If {external, Fun2}
, Fun2 is applied to
the external set
1>F1 = sofs:family([{a,[1,2,3]},{b,[1,2]},{c,[1]}]),
SpecFun = fun(S) -> sofs:no_elements(S) =:= 2 end,
F2 = sofs:family_specification(SpecFun, F1),
family_to_digraph(Family) -> Graph
family_to_digraph(Family, GraphType) -> Graph
Creates a directed graph from
the family
If no graph type is given
digraph:new/0 is used for
creating the directed graph, otherwise the
It F is a family, it holds that F is a subset of
digraph_to_family(family_to_digraph(F), type(F))
Equality holds if union_of_family(F)
is a subset of
Creating a cycle in an acyclic graph exits the process with
a cyclic
family_to_relation(Family) -> BinRel
1>F = sofs:family([{a,[]}, {b,[1]}, {c,[2,3]}]),
R = sofs:family_to_relation(F),
family_union(Family1) -> Family2
1>F1 = sofs:from_term([{a,[[1,2],[2,3]]},{b,[[]]}]),
F2 = sofs:family_union(F1),
is equivalent to
family_projection({sofs,union}, F)
family_union(Family1, Family2) -> Family3
1>F1 = sofs:family([{a,[1,2]},{b,[3,4]},{c,[5,6]}]),
F2 = sofs:family([{b,[4,5]},{c,[7,8]},{d,[9,10]}]),
F3 = sofs:family_union(F1, F2),
field(BinRel) -> Set
Returns the field of the
binary relation
1>R = sofs:relation([{1,a},{1,b},{2,b},{2,c}]),
S = sofs:field(R),
is equivalent
to union(domain(R), range(R))
from_external(ExternalSet, Type) -> AnySet
Creates a set from the external
Returns the unordered
set containing the sets of the list
1>S1 = sofs:relation([{a,1},{b,2}]),
S2 = sofs:relation([{x,3},{y,4}]),
S = sofs:from_sets([S1,S2]),
Returns the ordered
set containing the sets of the non-empty tuple
from_term(Term) -> AnySet
from_term(Term, Type) -> AnySet
Creates an element
of Sets by
traversing the term
1>S = sofs:from_term([{{"foo"},[1,1]},{"foo",[2,2]}], [{atom,[atom]}]),
can be used for creating atomic or ordered
sets. The only purpose of such a set is that of later
building unordered sets since all functions in this module
that do anything operate on unordered sets.
Creating unordered sets from a collection of ordered sets
may be the way to go if the ordered sets are big and one
does not want to waste heap by rebuilding the elements of
the unordered set. An example showing that a set can be
built "layer by layer":
1>A = sofs:from_term(a),
S = sofs:set([1,2,3]),
P1 = sofs:from_sets({A,S}),
P2 = sofs:from_term({b,[6,5,4]}),
Ss = sofs:from_sets([P1,P2]),
Other functions that create sets are from_external/2
and from_sets/1
. Special cases of from_term/2
are a_function/1,2
, empty_set/0
, relation/1,2
, and set/1,2
image(BinRel, Set1) -> Set2
Returns the image of the
1>R = sofs:relation([{1,a},{2,b},{2,c},{3,d}]),
S1 = sofs:set([1,2]),
S2 = sofs:image(R, S1),
intersection(SetOfSets) -> Set
the intersection of
the set of sets
Intersecting an empty set of sets exits the process with a
intersection(Set1, Set2) -> Set3
the intersection of
intersection_of_family(Family) -> Set
Returns the intersection of
the family
Intersecting an empty family exits the process with a
1>F = sofs:family([{a,[0,2,4]},{b,[0,1,2]},{c,[2,3]}]),
S = sofs:intersection_of_family(F),
inverse(Function1) -> Function2
Returns the inverse
of the function
1>R1 = sofs:relation([{1,a},{2,b},{3,c}]),
R2 = sofs:inverse(R1),
inverse_image(BinRel, Set1) -> Set2
Returns the inverse
image of
1>R = sofs:relation([{1,a},{2,b},{2,c},{3,d}]),
S1 = sofs:set([c,d,e]),
S2 = sofs:inverse_image(R, S1),
is_a_function(BinRel) -> Bool
Returns true
if the binary relation false
is_disjoint(Set1, Set2) -> Bool
Returns true
if false
is_empty_set(AnySet) -> Bool
Returns true
if false
is_equal(AnySet1, AnySet2) -> Bool
Returns true
if the false
otherwise. This example shows that ==/2
is used when
comparing sets for equality:
1>S1 = sofs:set([1.0]),
S2 = sofs:set([1]),
sofs:is_equal(S1, S2).
is_set(AnySet) -> Bool
Returns true
if false
is_sofs_set(Term) -> Bool
Returns true
if false
is_subset(Set1, Set2) -> Bool
Returns true
if false
is_type(Term) -> Bool
Returns true
if the term
join(Relation1, I, Relation2, J) -> Relation3
Returns the natural
join of the relations
1>R1 = sofs:relation([{a,x,1},{b,y,2}]),
R2 = sofs:relation([{1,f,g},{1,h,i},{2,3,4}]),
J = sofs:join(R1, 3, R2, 1),
multiple_relative_product(TupleOfBinRels, BinRel1) -> BinRel2
1>Ri = sofs:relation([{a,1},{b,2},{c,3}]),
R = sofs:relation([{a,b},{b,c},{c,a}]),
MP = sofs:multiple_relative_product({Ri, Ri}, R),
no_elements(ASet) -> NoElements
Returns the number of elements of the ordered or unordered
partition(SetOfSets) -> Partition
Returns the partition of
the union of the set of sets
1>Sets1 = sofs:from_term([[a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,i]]),
Sets2 = sofs:from_term([[b,c,d],[e,f,g],[h,i,j]]),
P = sofs:partition(sofs:union(Sets1, Sets2)),
partition(SetFun, Set) -> Partition
Returns the partition of
1>Ss = sofs:from_term([[a],[b],[c,d],[e,f]]),
SetFun = fun(S) -> sofs:from_term(sofs:no_elements(S)) end,
P = sofs:partition(SetFun, Ss),
partition(SetFun, Set1, Set2) -> {Set3, Set4}
Returns a pair of sets that, regarded as constituting a
set, forms a partition of
1>R1 = sofs:relation([{1,a},{2,b},{3,c}]),
S = sofs:set([2,4,6]),
{R2,R3} = sofs:partition(1, R1, S),
partition(F, S1, S2)
is equivalent to
{restriction(F, S1, S2),
drestriction(F, S1, S2)}
partition_family(SetFun, Set) -> Family
Returns the family
1>S = sofs:relation([{a,a,a,a},{a,a,b,b},{a,b,b,b}]),
SetFun = {external, fun({A,_,C,_}) -> {A,C} end},
F = sofs:partition_family(SetFun, S),
product(TupleOfSets) -> Relation
Returns the Cartesian
product of the non-empty tuple of sets
1>S1 = sofs:set([a,b]),
S2 = sofs:set([1,2]),
S3 = sofs:set([x,y]),
P3 = sofs:product({S1,S2,S3}),
product(Set1, Set2) -> BinRel
Returns the Cartesian
product of
1>S1 = sofs:set([1,2]),
S2 = sofs:set([a,b]),
R = sofs:product(S1, S2),
product(S1, S2)
is equivalent to
product({S1, S2})
projection(SetFun, Set1) -> Set2
Returns the set created by substituting each element of
1>S1 = sofs:from_term([{1,a},{2,b},{3,a}]),
S2 = sofs:projection(2, S1),
range(BinRel) -> Set
Returns the range of the
binary relation
1>R = sofs:relation([{1,a},{1,b},{2,b},{2,c}]),
S = sofs:range(R),
relation(Tuples) -> Relation
relation(Tuples, Type) -> Relation
Creates a relation.
relation(R, T)
is equivalent to
from_term(R, T)
, if T is
a type and the result is a
relation. If [{atom, ..., atom}])
, where the size of the
tuple is N, is used as type of the relation. If no type is
explicitly given, the size of the first tuple of
equivalent to relation([], 2)
relation_to_family(BinRel) -> Family
relative_product(ListOfBinRels) -> BinRel2
1>TR = sofs:relation([{1,a},{1,aa},{2,b}]),
R1 = sofs:relation([{1,u},{2,v},{3,c}]),
R2 = sofs:relative_product([TR, R1]),
Note that relative_product([R1], R2)
different from relative_product(R1, R2)
; the
list of one element is not identified with the element
the relative
product of the binary relations
relative_product1(BinRel1, BinRel2) -> BinRel3
Returns the relative
product of
the converse of the
binary relation
1>R1 = sofs:relation([{1,a},{1,aa},{2,b}]),
R2 = sofs:relation([{1,u},{2,v},{3,c}]),
R3 = sofs:relative_product1(R1, R2),
relative_product1(R1, R2)
is equivalent to
relative_product(converse(R1), R2)
restriction(BinRel1, Set) -> BinRel2
Returns the restriction of
the binary relation
1>R1 = sofs:relation([{1,a},{2,b},{3,c}]),
S = sofs:set([1,2,4]),
R2 = sofs:restriction(R1, S),
restriction(SetFun, Set1, Set2) -> Set3
Returns a subset of
1>S1 = sofs:relation([{1,a},{2,b},{3,c}]),
S2 = sofs:set([b,c,d]),
S3 = sofs:restriction(2, S1, S2),
set(Terms) -> Set
set(Terms, Type) -> Set
Creates an unordered
set. set(L, T)
is equivalent to
from_term(L, T)
, if the result is an unordered
set. If no type is
explicitly given, [atom]
is used as type of the set.
specification(Fun, Set1) -> Set2
Returns the set containing every element
of true
. If {external, Fun2}
, Fun2 is applied to the
external set of
each element, otherwise
1>R1 = sofs:relation([{a,1},{b,2}]),
R2 = sofs:relation([{x,1},{x,2},{y,3}]),
S1 = sofs:from_sets([R1,R2]),
S2 = sofs:specification({sofs,is_a_function}, S1),
strict_relation(BinRel1) -> BinRel2
Returns the strict
relation corresponding to the binary
1>R1 = sofs:relation([{1,1},{1,2},{2,1},{2,2}]),
R2 = sofs:strict_relation(R1),
substitution(SetFun, Set1) -> Set2
Returns a function, the domain of which
1>L = [{a,1},{b,2}].
[{a,1},{b,2}] 2>sofs:to_external(sofs:projection(1,sofs:relation(L))).
[a,b] 3>sofs:to_external(sofs:substitution(1,sofs:relation(L))).
[{{a,1},a},{{b,2},b}] 4>SetFun = {external, fun({A,_}=E) -> {E,A} end},
The relation of equality between the elements of {a,b,c}:
1>I = sofs:substitution(fun(A) -> A end, sofs:set([a,b,c])),
Let SetOfSets be a set of sets and BinRel a binary relation. The function that maps each element Set of SetOfSets onto the image of Set under BinRel is returned by this function:
images(SetOfSets, BinRel) -> Fun = fun(Set) -> sofs:image(BinRel, Set) end, sofs:substitution(Fun, SetOfSets).
Here might be the place to reveal something that was more
or less stated before, namely that external unordered sets
are represented as sorted lists. As a consequence, creating
the image of a set under a relation R may traverse all
elements of R (to that comes the sorting of results, the
image). In images/2
, BinRel will be traversed once
for each element of SetOfSets, which may take too long. The
following efficient function could be used instead under the
assumption that the image of each element of SetOfSets under
BinRel is non-empty:
images2(SetOfSets, BinRel) -> CR = sofs:canonical_relation(SetOfSets), R = sofs:relative_product1(CR, BinRel), sofs:relation_to_family(R).
symdiff(Set1, Set2) -> Set3
Returns the symmetric
difference (or the Boolean sum)
1>S1 = sofs:set([1,2,3]),
S2 = sofs:set([2,3,4]),
P = sofs:symdiff(S1, S2),
symmetric_partition(Set1, Set2) -> {Set3, Set4, Set5}
Returns a triple of sets:
to_external(AnySet) -> ExternalSet
Returns the external set of an atomic, ordered or unordered set.
to_sets(ASet) -> Sets
Returns the elements of the ordered set
type(AnySet) -> Type
Returns the type of an atomic, ordered or unordered set.
union(SetOfSets) -> Set
Returns the union of the
set of sets
union(Set1, Set2) -> Set3
Returns the union of
union_of_family(Family) -> Set
Returns the union of
the family
1>F = sofs:family([{a,[0,2,4]},{b,[0,1,2]},{c,[2,3]}]),
S = sofs:union_of_family(F),
weak_relation(BinRel1) -> BinRel2
Returns a subset S of the weak
relation W
corresponding to the binary relation
1>R1 = sofs:relation([{1,1},{1,2},{3,1}]),
R2 = sofs:weak_relation(R1),
See Also
- a_function
- a_function-1
- canonical_relation
- composite
- constant_function
- converse
- difference
- digraph_to_family
- digraph_to_family-1
- domain
- drestriction
- drestriction-1
- empty_set
- extension
- family
- family-1
- family_difference
- family_domain
- family_field
- family_intersection
- family_intersection-1
- family_projection
- family_range
- family_specification
- family_to_digraph
- family_to_digraph-1
- family_to_relation
- family_union
- family_union-1
- field
- from_external
- from_term
- from_term-1
- image
- intersection
- intersection-1
- intersection_of_family
- inverse
- inverse_image
- is_a_function
- is_disjoint
- is_empty_set
- is_equal
- is_set
- is_sofs_set
- is_subset
- is_type
- join
- multiple_relative_product
- no_elements
- partition
- partition-1
- partition-2
- partition_family
- product
- product-1
- projection
- range
- relation
- relation-1
- relation_to_family
- relative_product
- relative_product1
- restriction
- restriction-1
- set
- set-1
- specification
- strict_relation
- substitution
- symdiff
- symmetric_partition
- to_external
- to_sets
- type
- union
- union-1
- union_of_family
- weak_relation